Willis received his Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and opened the first home infusion company in Indiana. After participating in the IPO of a company that became Coram, he was bound not to compete.
He became Assistant Editor at Medi-Span, then pivoted to do home infusion consulting under the mentorship of a leading Joint Commission consultant. His practice broadened beyond accreditation to include cleanroom design, SOP development, A/R recovery, corporate culture shifts, due diligence, purchasing strategies, post-merger consolidations, and software implementations and conversions.
His formal corporate roles included general manager of home infusion at Owen Healthcare (7 sites), director of a disease management program of a large specialty pharmacy, manager of drug utilization for a state prison population, consultant pharmacist and board member of a Medicare-deeming accreditation body, and for four years was director of home infusion for OhioHealth. Willis has served as an advisor to more than 160 clients.